Teaching and Educational Resources
Explore teaching and educational resources through CAORC’s Flip Partners page. CAORC has complied resources from CAORC research fellows, grantees, and Overseas Faculty Development Seminar participants, including teaching modules, webinars, lesson plans, and more. We’ve included instructions on how to navigate through our partners page for those who are unfamiliar with Flip as well as a direct link to our page.
ORC Fellowships and Grants
Each Overseas Research Center offers fellowships, grants, and language and cultural programs specific to its region. You can browse our summary list to learn about opportunities in your region of interest. This is a reference list, not a complete list, so it is best to visit the site of the ORC/s you are interested in to view their opportunities in full. Several of the ORC grant programs use the online application portal SM Apply.
ORC Digital Library Resources
Each Overseas Research Center (ORC) has a library and in many cases these libraries include rare books, historic collections, online library catalogs and other research resources. Many centers have some form of digital catalog or digital library and research resources, these are vital to those who plan to travel to these centers, either through a CAORC Fellowship or through an ORC Fellowship.