CAORC | Programs
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JMK Wadi Kate and Meredith in the magazi
Kaplan Responsive Preservation Initiative

CAORC administers the J.M. Kaplan-funded Responsive Preservation Initiative (RPI), which provides critical funding to support urgent preservation, documentation, and site management efforts at cultural heritage sites.

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West African Acquisitions Project (WAAP)

CAORC, in collaboration with the West African Research Association (WARA) and West African Research Center (WARC) in Dakar, Senegal launched an initiative with the Library of Congress in 2010 to expand the collection of resources for the Library of Congress, which are made available to the public through the LC catalog by collecting, shipping, and producing bibliographic records for published material and ephemera in twelve countries. The project provides access to an area of the world where it can often be difficult to obtain tangible and digital materials.

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Critical Research and Scholarship in North Africa

Implemented by the CAORC member centers in Tunisia, the Centre d’Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT), and in Algeria, the Centre d’Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA), with generous support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, this project highlights state-of-the art research by North African scholars.

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