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Generously funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York, the CAORC Outreach on Islam & Muslim Cultures project:
  • Raised the visibility of CAORC and the American overseas research center network, with its expertise on Islam and Muslim cultures, among select U.S. colleges and the general public throughout the U.S.;

  • Promoted a broader and more nuanced understanding of the diversity of Muslim cultures to several smaller U.S. colleges and universities and the general public in their regions;

  • Linked American Overseas Research Centers to more of the nation’s smaller colleges and to undergraduate teaching and students; and

  • Reached and served smaller U.S. educational institutions and communities without Title VI centers, through new relationships with American overseas research centers.


CAORC implemented this project by making grants to a number of American overseas research centers (ORCs) in order to provide a series of lectures and symposia at college campuses, community organizations, and academic association meetings that highlighted the work of Overseas Research Centers, the resources and services they provide, and different aspects of Islam or Muslim culture.

This program has completed.

Examples of Project Activities

  • Lecture: Gender Politics in Tunisian Cinema, Tufts University (Medford, MA)

  • Lecture: Islam in Yemen: Zaydi identity in modern Yemen, McDaniel College (Westminster, MD)

  • Lecture: The Intersection of Islam, Politics, and Palestine, Henry Ford Community College (Dearborn, MI)

  • Lecture: Women, Islamism, and Secularism in Palestine, University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse (LaCrosse, WI)

  • Lecture Series: Islam: Tradition and Diversity, Camden Community College-Blackwood Campus (Blackwood, NJ)

  • Lecture Series: Modern Art in Iraq: From the Pioneers of the 1930s to the Looting of 2003, Portland, OR, Dallas-Fort Worth, TX, and Williamstown, MA

  • Panel: Contemporary Issues in Yemen, American Association of Geographers annual meeting

  • Preparation of “The Last Harvest: The Yemenis of the San Joaquin” for distribution via PBS

  • Symposium: Shari’a Beyond the Headlines: A Unique Perspective from Our Local Muslim Community, Indiana Interchurch Center (Indianapolis, IN)

  • Symposium: Social Justice, Gender and Islam, Drew University (Madison, NJ)

  • Symposium: Sufism as a Mediating Force in South Asia, Connecticut College (New London, CT)

  • Symposium: Understanding Contemporary Islam, Frostburg University (Frostburg, MD)

  • Symposium: West African Muslim Societies and their Contributions to US Culture, Cuyahoga Community College (Cleveland, OH)

  • Symposium: West African Muslim Societies and Their Contributions to US Culture, Mongtomery College (Rockville, MD) and Howard University (Washington, DC)

  • Workshop: Women in South Asian Islamic Societies, Chicago, IL

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